
my story, my life

All My Love Is For SoShi MV~

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SNSD Korean

WOOOT Its finally out. And it’s FAR from my expectations!….. and my theory! It’s no where near the ballad that I thought it was! Each showing their amazing beauty in a casual style as well as each of them being able to show off their amazing and strong vocals… Yes, EACH of the SNSD members showing off their vocals! No doubt this will be another amazing top-of-the-charts-hit for Japan! Enjoy this song as they unleash an amazing beat as well as  soft vocals~

(P.S DAMN Taeyeon, if u really drew that, u duh PRO artist!)

(P.S.S, Careful of your volume levels as the start will give u a shock if you have high volume like i did…but it was worth it aww yeee)

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Penulis: mayang koto

Crafter and gardener

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